
There is no big change in heirlooms. Since 4.2. new heirlooms have been added to the list, you can now “upgrade” heirloom weapons by exchanging in the old version and buying another version that can upgrade for 5 more levels. At the moment, heirlooms have two different level caps. The original heirlooms will up only to level 80 while the heirlooms purchased from guild vendors will up you to level 85. As the game appears right now, no heirloom will upgrade you all the way to level 90.

The new “upgraded” versions of the WoW heirloom weapons will get to level 85 as well, though you’ll need to purchase the primary version and then
change that into the vendor as part of the price of buying the upgrade. But be noticed, the “upgrades” are actually replacing rather than upgrading, you have to re-enchant the new ones.


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